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Australia 2019 - Reason of the visit - Check out the performance of our moulds.

Result: 20-48 - still works well - maybe need to change some cores after approx 60.000 Cycles - pictures you find down in the Galerie ( same as mould 15-48 till today just 8000 cycles in use)) - our cores are easy exchangeable - just fixed through four screws

We advice to change some cores ( we send as free gift ) and maybe the shoes to reduce the small flash after needed - today still ok

General condition of mould ok - no elephant´s food or end compection worn out - just like we send out beginning of this year

So the mould can be used for the next - at least - 40.000 cycles - and afterwards we will check out again.

After using up the mould - the tamperhead can be used for the next mould(s) - the production is very precise - so easy to change the shoes by the customer himself without polishing.

In this link you can see the moulds 20-48 and 20-03 in our factory : 20-48   and  20-03  ----   Our standard clearanceist arround 0,4 mm to devision plate and 0,8mm to the core / corebar.


Additionally - I also checked out the moulds from our competitors:

Tamperhead: With our system - you can exchange every single plunger on each position (incl. shoes) without grinding - we can support single plunger (also with shoes) and it will fit to every cavity well

The system of our competitors will not work like this. Additionally our shoes are always bolded - also easy to exchange if having a compressed air screwdriver - Tamperhead has a very strong design - can be used for a long time - so the second mould you need just a buttom unit with shoes and safe a lot of money.

- Corebar serious broken after 15-20.000 cycles - we will provide a better solution for the future - like our patented system we use in China- without welding - (welding of cores is below the core coverplate in the save area ( only for "open core bottom"))  - pictures will follow soon -- here you can see short video

Picture of moulds and blocks

Comparison with competitors